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Patent Registration

If you are an inventor, you wouldn’t hesitate a moment getting your patent registered. Inorder to protect the rights over your patent and to have the license on your name is a high achievement for an inventor. The registration process and validation of a patent varies according to the country. Patent gives the owner complete legal authorization on his invention and avoids any kind of encroachment by a second party.

Types of patents

You should have the knowledge on various types of patents before registering, several types of patents are, Utility patent, any new inventions that are useful for the world are given the utility patent. Design patents are given for the inventions or for the uniquely new designs. Plant patents are given to those who discovers or invents and reproduces a new plant or a plant variety.

Advantages of Patent Registration

Once you register your patent you are the only licensed owner of your invention until the termination of the tenure. You can claim your rights over the patent on a product or an idea. In India, there is a 20 years duration after a patent registers. All along the period, the owner has the right to do anything with their invention whether to sell, commercialize or to make profit out of it. A patent application is of course a long and strenuous process that requires a good amount and effort. You should have the thorough knowledge on which products are patentable and which are not. Therefore, for the patent approval, it is better to rely on a registered agent who makes the procedure easier and effective.

What Services We Provide

Since registering a patent is not an easy procedure, the inventor should know about the intellectual property rights, deadlines, laws etc. We make the process easier for you by giving proper guidance throughout the registration by keeping you on track.
Patent registration is indeed not an easy task therefore relying on a consultant that guides you with an attorney who specializes in it saves you a lot of time and helps you get your work done without any difficulty.

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